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When we invest in education, it sends a powerful message to our kids that they are valued & their future matters.


Once you’ve visited the school, submit an application!

1. Visit the school

Register to attend an open house where you’ll take a tour and learn about the school.

2. Submit your application

Tell us about your child and his/her needs.

3. We meet your child

We connect with each family to confirm if we are a right fit for each other.

4. You are accepted into the school

Our school may not be a right fit for every child, but we strive to accept as many as our capacities allow.

5. Submit your enrollment form and deposit payment 

Start the admissions process today!

K-12 ApplicationPreschool & PreK Application

*A $22 Application fee will be charged to your credit card


At Liberty Launch Academy we are partnered with parents through a common goal of developing our kids into the principled leaders our world so desperately needs.
One way we do that is by ensuring our tuition is as affordable as possible. While we recognize that private education is not free and families will need to make sacrifices for their students to receive a quality education, it is our goal to remove as many financial barriers as possible.
Our program ranks as an extremely competitive and accessible private education compared to similar programs in the Spokane-Coeur D’Alene area. Even so, we have set tuition rates 20% lower than the average WA private school and 40% lower than what WA public schools receive. We also provide family discounts and fundraising opportunities during the year to offset more of your cost.
As a part of keeping our tuition cost low, your involvement throughout the school year is vital. In doing so, we are not only able to keep our operating cost lower, it also provides opportunities to create a deeper community connection. After enrollment we will connect each family with volunteer opportunities that match their skill set and schedule.

K-12 Annual Tuition & Discounts

Liberty Launch Academy


Grades K – 12


Monthly Tuition Payments:

$1100/mo for 10 months

Deposit to hold your child’s spot in school:


This non refundable deposit will be applied to your tuition & fees at start of school year



Save money on your annual tuition by paying in full before the school year begins!


If paid in full by May 31st:
Save $500
If paid in full by July 31st
Save $250


Save money when you send all of your children to Liberty Launch Academy!


1st Student – Full Price

2nd Student

3rd Student
4th+ Students

9 Month Learning Cycle (School is in session September to May)

10 Month Billing Cycle (Monthly billing starts in August & ends in May)

Littles Launch Academy Annual Tuition & Discounts

(Preschool & Pre-K)

5 Days Per Week

Half Day…$700

8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Full Day…$1300

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

3 Days Per Week

Half Day…$425

8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Full Day…$750

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

2 Days Per Week

Half Day…$300

8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Full Day…$550

8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Extended Care

Before Care

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM

After Care

3:00 AM – 5:30 PM


Save $500 off Annual Tuition when you pay in full by May 31st

9 Month Learning Cycle (School is in session September to May) 10 Month Billing Cycle (Monthly billing starts in August & ends in May)
Apply to Littles Launch

Additional Fees

Over the course of a school year, there are times when it may be necessary for Liberty Launch to charge additional fees to cover the costs of events, programs, courses, activities, etc. This occurs most often when costs vary from grade to grade, or level to level, or the fee covers the cost of a chosen course or activity.
Upon enrollment, a Resource Fee of $500 is added to cover the costs of classroom supplies, but don’t worry, your $250 deposit will be applied to this fee on the first day of school, and you can even save the entire $500 by paying tuition in full for the year.

A sampling of other fees:
$22 New Student Application fee
$11 Re enrollment fee for returning students
$55 Payment plan fee
Credit Card Processing fees


Liberty Launch Academy is neither traditional nor alternative, we are an Experiential School. While Liberty Launch is alternative in the sense that we don’t follow traditional educational models, we need to be transparent that we are not currently resourced to serve most students with learning disabilities and behavioral challenges.
The good news is that because we are an experiential school, many students that struggle in conventional classroom/lecture style settings DO thrive at Liberty Launch.

How do you know if liberty launch will be a right fit for your child?

If at your current school, your child’s teacher makes more than minor adjustments to accommodate for their learning style or behavioral challenges, LLA may not be a good fit.
If your child currently has an IEP, LLA may not be a good fit.

Academic Accommodations

In the context of our mission and curriculum, and given our limited resources as a private school, Liberty Launch Academy can only provide “minor adjustments” for a student with learning difficulties and/or documented physical/mental health issues in order to help the student succeed academically, emotionally and personally.

Behavioral Accommodations

At Liberty Launch Academy, we foster an environment conducive to academic excellence and personal growth. While we offer resources for support, such as guidance, we are unable to accommodate extreme behaviors that require interventions, as counseling services are not available. Our focus remains on providing a positive and focused learning environment for all students.
The team at Liberty Launch wants every child to find a school community that is a right fit for their unique learning style, and while we are a fit some students, we are not a right fit for everyone. If you are feeling unsure if Liberty Launch would be a good fit for your child, contact us and we’ll schedule time to chat. Together we’ll work to determine the type of schooling your child needs & deserves.

More Questions?

Visit our FAQ page or email:
Download our Free Guide:

5 Habits At Home That Will Help Your Child Thrive At School

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