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Assessment Tools

Education must be transformed to better address the requirements for the 21st century

Carnegie Foundation, ETS Partner to Transform the Educational Pillars They Built: The Carnegie Unit and Standardized Tests

STANFORD, CA and PRINCETON, NJ (April 17, 2023) —The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and ETS today announced a new partnership designed to radically transform education assessment across the United States. In collaboration with practitioners and policy makers nationwide, the partnership aims to create a robust, scalable suite of assessment and analytic tools that captures the full range of skills required for American students to succeed in K-12, post-secondary education and beyond.

Since 1906, the Carnegie Unit or “credit hour” has served as the bedrock currency of the educational economy. It defines what “counts” as learning, shapes the nature of what is and is not assessed, and determines the basic organization of secondary and post-secondary education. Where seat time has served as the primary function of learning outcomes, it is increasingly clear that the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to succeed in the 21st century economy are not singularly demonstrated through time on task – whether sitting at a desk or on a digital platform. It is time to fundamentally rethink how learning progressions and mastery are demonstrated, the methods of measurement used, and how attainment of skills is communicated throughout a learner’s journey. The Carnegie Foundation and ETS are proposing that the new currency of education should be based upon meaningful skills and accomplishments demonstrated through assessment.

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